Spam Detector |
Virus Shield |
Using advanced technology to search
emails for known spam, CleanMail products label
these messages by including “SPAM” directly
in the subject line. |
What Are The Benefits?
• Scans all messages for the most notorious spam
elements • Classifies spam into different
category levels, so there's minimal lost information risk
• Clearly identifies annoying spam so you can
save time by reading your most important email first
• CleanMail is a Web-based application so there's
no complicated software to install on workstations and
is accessible using any browser |
NetNation's CleanMail checks all
of your email messages against frequently updated
virus definitions, hunting for suspicious viruses
and attachments and preventing these messages from
ever reaching your inbox. |
What Are The Benefits? •
Scans for viruses before they reach you, enabling you
to continue your business operations, worry free
• Prevents the unwitting spread of viruses to your
customers, coworkers and friends, so you aren't responsible
for keeping viruses active • Virus definitions
are consistently updated so you're never caught unaware
• CleanMail system is maintained completely
by NetNation so you never have to worry about maintenance
and upgrades |