Framework FAQ
• What .NET services does NetNation provide?
• What is NET
• What is NET Framework?
• What are some of the .NET Framework features?
• How much does it cost?
• How do I get it?
• How do I get more information
about .NET, .NET framework or .NET applications?
NetNation hosts a .NET framework on our most recently implemented
windows 2003 servers. Please note: The .NET framework only applies
to our Windows 2000 and 2003 servers. We do not provide application
support for .NET.
Microsoft .NET is software that connects information, people,
systems, and devices. It spans clients, servers, and developer
tools. It consists of:
- The .NET Framework - a programming model that enables
developers to build web-based, smart client, and XML web
- Developer tools, such as Microsoft Visual Studio®
.NET, which provide a rapid application integrated development
environment for programming with the .NET Framework.
- A set of servers, including Microsoft Windows® 2000,
Microsoft Windows® 2003, Microsoft SQL Server™,
and Microsoft BizTalk® Server, that integrates, runs,
operates, and manages XML Web services and applications.
- Client software, such as Windows XP, Windows CE, and -
Microsoft Office XP.
The NET Framework includes the tools and underlying server architecture
that will enable you to build applications for hosting. The
.NET Framework includes the common language run-time and class
Some of the features supported by .NET Framework are:
• ASP.NET with web services
• VS.NET upload
There is no extra charge for .NET Framework hosting when you
purchase the windows packages.
New Windows 2003 customers simply need to check off ".NET
Framework" hosting on the web hosting order form to enable
it. Existing customers should contact
technical support for .NET Framework hosting.
For more information on .NET, consult these useful links.
Web site
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